Plan Bounce-a-thon Raises £500 for Sports Relief Day
Today the Plan team got energetic and creative to generate funds for Sport Relief. Working 15 minute shifts they managed to keep jumping for an entire day.
Our motor trade insurance team had the company of various colleagues continually bouncing on a small trampoline besides them. To encourage others to part with sponsorship donations those taking part set themselves challenges to perform.
Highlights included one bouncer consuming 4 jam doughnuts (he couldn’t manage a 5th), a creative type writing a poem (not one worth publishing but a poem none the less) and another performing magic tricks in honour of the late great Paul Daniels.
It was slightly surreal seeing fully grown adults enjoying a little bit of light bounce-based relief in the corner of the office. The day certainly had a lot of ups and downs but we got there in the end raising over £500 in the process.

Disclaimer: No Customer Service Suffered in the Making of this Donation
Marketing Executive and chief organiser Pam Wheeler said,
Its a lot harder than it looks and pretty tough on the calf muscles. But it was well worth it as donations topped £250 and the Directors kindly said they’d double the amount. So we exceeded our £500 target which is really pleasing! As always everyone at Plan got really behind the event, some sponsored money, others took part, it was a team effort.
Whether you’re sporty or not Sports Relief encourages everyone to get active between Friday 18th and Sunday 20th March 2016 with the aim of raising money for various good causes.