The Perils of Buying Insurance online Commercial Vehicle Insurance expert Sophie Reeve highlights the pitfalls of buying budget insurance polices online and the potential savings that may actually cost much more in the long run. As a big fan of online retail herself Sophie thinks there’s a good analogy to be made between buying clothes Continue Reading…
When it comes to Commercial Van Insurance ‘It’s about Quality not Quantity’ – Director Grant Georgiades explains the thinking behind Plan Insurance’s online marketing strategy. Plan Insurance have just re-launched their website and one of the most significant differences is the removal of their online quote facility for Commercial Van Insurance.In an age where consumers Continue Reading…
Director of Marketing for Plan Insurance, Grant Georgiades, explains the reasons behind the company’s investment in a substantial new website. Today sees the launch of Plan Insurance’s new website at Its just over 3 years since their last site was put live and for some it may seem quite soon to be conducting a Continue Reading…
Director of Taxi Plan Insurance Tony Gutteridge explains the principals behind how he established a market leading Chauffeur Insurance brokerage within just three years.
Amidst difficult times Trade Plan Insurance sees turn over in its Motor Trade Insurance policies grow by over 25%
Commercial Plan Insurance highlights the most effective ways for hauliers to keep haulage insurance costs at their lowest
Truck Insurance Specialist Scott Georgiades Gives Some Top Tips on Speeding Up the Claims Process
Commercial Plan’s Truck Insurance Specialist, Sophie Reeve, Highlights some of the most common dangers facing the UK’s Truck Drivers
Landlords insurance specialist Nick Cole takes landlords through the regulations of the letting process
Sales Team Leader Sophie Reeve, explains how Plan Insurance have championed the cause of their Pick Up Insurance Customers to Negotiate The Best Deals on Pick-up Insurance