San Bernardino Pass, Swiss Alps(6,778 feet or 2,066 metres at its summit) This route (in use for thousands of years, and named after Saint Bernardino of Siena) is on the eastern side of the western Alps, and connects the Hinterrhein and Mesolina (Misox) valleys between Thusis (in the canton of Graubünden in south-east Switzerland) and Continue Reading…
Stelvio Pass, Italian Tyrol(9,045 feet or 2,757 metres elevation) This road, built in the 1820s by the Austrian Empire, links Stilfs (‘Stelvio’, in Italian) in South Tyrol with Bormio (in the province of Sondrio). A magnificent drive, and it is best driven from the north, southwards towards Bormio, to tackle the giddying zig-zag ascent, including Continue Reading…
Umbrail Pass, the highest paved road in Switzerland (8,205 feet or 2,501 metres at highest point) Straddling the Swiss-Italian border, and linking Giogio di Santa Maria in Val Müstair, at the eastern extremity of Switzerland, with Bormio in the Adda valley, in Italy (on the Italian side, it joins the Stelvio Pass road). The ascent Continue Reading…
Other fun high roads, closer to home, to consider (UK): Old Military Road, Scottish Highlands: A83 (in the Cairngorms National Park), Blairgowrie to Aberdeen.Wonderful remote scenery, amazing hills and bends. Pass of the Cattle to Applecross, Scotland: Through the Applecross peninsula mountains to the sea.Narrow, twisting, steep sections with fantastic scenery all around. Don’t rush; REQUIRES Continue Reading…
Nissan have partnered with a Coventry based manufacturer to enter the battle for a share of the zero emission taxi market. Nissan originally planned to attack the London taxi market a few years ago with a hybrid vehicle, but the campaign was put on ice due to changes in regulatory requirements. However Dynamo Motor Company continued Continue Reading…
In March this year penalty points for using a phone whilst driving doubled to 6 points and standard fines increased to £200 with a maximum of £1000. At Plan we’re concerned that the urge to use smart phones could cost professional drivers their licenses. Documenting poor driving Many London black cabbies use their phones to document accidents involving Uber drivers and Continue Reading…
Commercial motorists seem to be getting hit from left and right by tough government legislation and rising costs. We look at a series of measures that penalise commercial motorists. Over 1.8 million owner operators are dependent on their vehicles for their livelihoods. In total 4.7 million CVs contribute £27.5 billion to the economy from freight alone Continue Reading…