ULEZ is upon us. Is going electric the way to go for cab drivers? We weigh up the options in a handy infographic. We’ve considered a case study of one particular, anonymous driver. He wants to compare the costs of his current TX4 with an electric eTX, a Gas Conversion and leasing / owning options Continue Reading…
You have just acquired a brand new top of the range Mercedes with all the extras, it is a great and attractive vehicle. Like many new cars, it comes with keyless entry as standard. But is this convenient technology also a major security risk? No more time spent rummaging around in your pockets for the Continue Reading…
Paul Gibson from thechauffeur.com checks out the new BMW 7 Series. But it’s not just any old 7 Series. It has an extra filler cap on the wing, which only means one thing… it is a plug-in Hybrid. In 2016, BMW introduced the ‘iPerformance’ brand, which was to be given to all of the companies Continue Reading…
When we first wrote on this subject in May 2018 there were just 150,000 electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles on UK roads. That number reached over 495,000 at the end of March 2021 with 235,000 of those running purely on electric. Its ever more likely that repairers, recovery agents and bodyshops will come across them. Continue Reading…
Rating is a stick that representatives of larger insurers like to use to beat smaller rivals that challenge their dominance. The critique is often partisan and presented in a superficial manner without full consideration. “Unrated” is also a good sound bite to help the press whip up excitement in an often otherwise staid industry. Sadly these days, Continue Reading…
Plan Insurance Brokers are very proud to sponsor Brian Jacks, Martial Arts legend, on a promotional tour of his autobiography “Mindset of a Champion.” Brian’s dad was a cabbie so, in a nod to his childhood, he will be travelling with co-author Marc Gingell around the country in a traditional black taxi, visiting various locations. Brian Continue Reading…
Retail magnate and Dragons’ Den star Theo Paphitis launched Plan Insurance Brokers’ new Headquarters in Redhill on Tuesday 24th April 2018 with an evening of celebrations. A number of suppliers, insurers, press and local business learnt of the part he played in the company’s success when it was just an idea. Entrepreneur Theo Paphitis accepted Continue Reading…
With ULEZ requirements having come into force on January 1st of this year, many cabbies are trying to decide how to get the best value for money on a compliant vehicle over the coming years. Decisions will very much depend on drivers’ individual circumstances. Below we consider a case study of one particular driver (who Continue Reading…
The lack of publicly-funded charging points is holding back the UK’s move towards electric vehicles (EVs). As the UK strives for its low emissions goals, the infrastructure of charge points needs to match the demand for EVs. With electric vehicles becoming more and more popular, as the 2017 registration figures show, it’s vital that more Continue Reading…