The motor trade industry has been hit as hard by the Covid-19 crisis as nearly any other in the UK. Year on year sales of new cars were down by nearly 90% in May. As the severe affects are likely to hit jobs hard there are growing calls for the Government to attempt to help Continue Reading…
On Monday, June 15th the wearing of face coverings became mandatory on Public Transport including trains, tube, bus, coach, and trams. However taxi & PHV drivers and their passengers are only being heavily advised that they ‘should’ rather than ‘must’ use them. On Monday, June 15th the wearing of face coverings became mandatory on Public Continue Reading…
Here at Plan Insurance we’re always incredibly grateful for any feedback we receive. Constructive criticism helps us improve and glowing endorsements are a welcome pat on the back for all the hard work our team puts in. The fact we’ve received over 2,000 positive reviews in the last 5 years on Feefo reflects that effort. Continue Reading…
On June 2nd private hire app firm Uber launched a trial in a number of American cities that could prove a significant change to their current business model. The pilot scheme introduces a feature that allows vehicles to be booked for multiple destinations during a set period of time and within a limited mileage range. Continue Reading…
In efforts to limit the spread of COVID-19, the Government have issued a variety of restrictions and guidance for both citizens and organisations. These restrictions are intended to promote social distancing, reduce physical contact and encourage people to stay home as much as possible. However, the Government confirmed that many construction related projects are essential Continue Reading…
As the UK commences the easing of lockdown measures and restrictions related to COVID-19, it is essential that businesses take every possible preventive measure whilst reopening to manage customers and staff. It is essential that you provide them with guidance regarding new practices and procedures being implemented to ensure the health and safety of both Continue Reading…
With many businesses forced to close their doors, it’s likely that their ability to keep up with rental payments will be affected. So how can you remain on good terms with your tenant in challenging times and still get paid? As a landlord it is important to maintain strong working relations with your tenants. Investing Continue Reading…
How is the Lockdown Affecting Used Car Prices? With the government announcement that car dealerships may be allowed to reopen from the first of June (provided government public health measures are met), there is much speculation in the industry about what this will mean for the used car sector. In an already volatile market (CAP Continue Reading…
Defining what is good mental health? Good mental health is a state of well-being in which a person can cope with the normal stresses of life, be productive and contribute to the community. Having good mental health is essential for functioning as an individual, as an employee and as part of a community. As a Continue Reading…
The coronavirus has interrupted many businesses across the UK and while it is unclear how long it will continue to affect businesses, many employers are looking into how employees can return to work. Echoing the views of public health officials, a return to normality will not be like flipping a switch, but will be a Continue Reading…