Plan Insurance Brokers can now offer drivers cover for decommissioned taxis
Plan can now offer insurance for decommissioned taxis for drivers who would like to use the vehicle just for social use.
Back in December, TfL announced a scheme to encourage owners of diesel Black Cabs less than 15 years old to surrender their taxi vehicle licence and plate in exchange for a grant. Once a taxi vehicle licence has been surrendered and the vehicle delicensed, it cannot be licensed in London again.
Drivers who have taken up this grant offer may like to keep their old taxi and drive it solely for social use. But some have struggled to get insured as most car insurance companies aren’t offering cover for these vehicles.
We have approached specialist insurance partners, and we are now able to cover decommissioned taxis for social use.
If you would like to use your decommissioned taxi for social use, call 0800 542 2743 or click here to request a call back.