The Perils of Buying Insurance online
Commercial Vehicle Insurance expert Sophie Reeve highlights the pitfalls of buying budget insurance polices online and the potential savings that may actually cost much more in the long run.
As a big fan of online retail herself Sophie thinks there’s a good analogy to be made between buying clothes online and purchasing insurance online via an aggregator without speaking to an advisor.
She says,
Often the picture may look nice but when the clothes arrive the fit isn’t quite right or the material it’s made from is cheaper than you imagined. However with insurance policies the cost of the product’s short comings are often much more expensive in the long run and by the time you realise the policy isn’t up to scratch it’s too late.
Speaking to an expert insurance account handler at Plan Insurance and receiving a commercial vehicle insurance quote over the phone will ensure that you avoid many of the potential pitfalls that could await you.
As team leader of Plan Insurance’s specialist Commercial Vehicle department Sophie Reeve speaks to numerous customers who are looking to arrange insurance and are looking into the details far more thoroughly this time round having recently experienced dissatisfaction when attempting to process a claim on a policy that they purchased online.
Sophie explains,
The savings of buying a budget policy online maybe negated in the long term by the costs of the short comings of the policy. For example there may well be a much higher excess for both accidental damage and windscreen claims, windscreen cover may be excluded entirely, the policy may omit courtesy car cover for both non-fault and fault claims, exclude Legal Protection cover and apply charges for exceeding mileage limitations when a discount for this has been applied etc.
Sophie states that,
Details of these exclusions or add on’s will of course be available somewhere on the website but she realises that, ‘If policy holders are pushed for time or comparing two policies its easy to overlook or confuse features of what are essentially very similar products.
The beauty of speaking to an account handler on the phone is that they deal with Commercial Vehicle policies all day long and know the product features of each insurance company inside out. They will be able to recommend the exact policy that suits your requirements from over 40 insurers and will explain the key features to you without you having to hunt around in the small print.
If do want to opt for a cheaper policy they will make you aware of exactly where the savings are being made, so at least you’re making an informed decision. We speak to clients everyday who have experienced issues with the difference between their expectations of the Commercial Vehicle policy they purchased online and the cover it actually offers. The vast majority of problems have occurred because they have bought online without receiving good sound independent advice.
So it appears speaking to a Plan Insurance account handler could save you both time and money.
See how much you could save with Plan Insurance’s expert advice and quality low cost Commercial Vehicle Insurance rates. Call Plan Insurance now on 0800 8046 138 or click [call-me campaign=”commercial”]Call Me Now[/call-me] for an quotation.
Commercial Plan Insurance has been in operation since 2001 and specialises in Haulage Insurance, Truck Insurance and Landlords Insurance. Commercial Plan Insurance is a trading name of The Plan Group Ltd. The Plan Group Limited offers an extensive range of insurance products via specialist departments Plan Insurance, Commercial Plan Insurance, and Trade Plan Insurance.
*NB – since this post date we have undergone a re-brand to update our image and our brand. The various sub-brand departments that were within Plan Insurance such as Taxi Plan, Commercial Plan, Trade plan etc. were brought together under the one name of Plan Insurance Brokers. Read more about our re-brand here.