Plan Insurance Blog

New Nissan Dynamo launched at City Hall, insured by Plan Insurance!

The New Nissan Dynamo’s UK Press launch took place this morning at London City Hall. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan and new Minister for the Future of Transport, Georges Freeman, attended the event, and so did we, as the insurers of the very first Dynamo.

The Nissan Dynamo,  modelled on the popular e-NV200 Evalia, and can board five passengers at one time and is expected to offer a range of up to 187 miles. With a retail price of £47,995, it offers an alternative to the LEVC TX released in 2018. You can find out more about the two electric cabs on our blog: LEVC TX vs Nissan Dynamo Electric Taxi.

John Heath, Development Manager at Dynamo, said:

“The Dynamo Taxi is our solution to pollution. It’s driver-friendly, emission-free and fully accessible to passengers, and has gone down extremely well with those who have already seen it. We believe that the vehicle will help drivers with all aspects of their journey. Our target is to distribute over 500 Dynamo Taxis in the next 12 months, with that figure hopefully doubling the following year.”

Insurance for the Nissan Dynamo Taxi

The insurance premium is comparable to that of a traditional diesel taxi. If you are replacing an older vehicle, you should expect a small increase in premium due to the higher vehicle value, however if you already own a newer model, the difference should not be significant.

As the broker chosen to insure the first Dynamo tax and to celebrate its launch, we will be giving a Free Guaranteed Vehicle Hire (7-day replacement cab in the event of a fault accident) to the first 100 policyholders we insure.

Visit our electric taxi insurance page for more information or contact us at 0800 542 2743 if you are looking for insurance for your electric cab.